Proposal 1


In my notebook I started re-writing the proposal that matched the new direction.

‘Creating a ‘(Lockdown) Goals’ agenda (digital app and/or print) in order to help people and young adults in particular to cope with their emotions, thoughts, routine and lifestyle during and post lockdown. The purpose of this journal is not to tell people how to live their lives but to assist them in achieving their goals and keeping sane. Everyone’s home and ‘the home’ environment generally is associated with ‘chill-time’. Due to the current situation our homes have become our workplace, local pub, restaurants, clubs, playground, school, gyms and all the venues that are currently shut. We are all forced to do all activities in our relaxation environment, our ‘switch off’ place where we usually do minimum to no work. It is extremely difficult not to get distracted and lazy. It is hard to cope with our emotions, thoughts, worries and motivation. Therefore it is a challenge to stay focused and structure a productive day. This agenda is a personalised aid to help people keep track, maintain a routine and achieve goals.

I was using my FMP notebook to plan and untangle my thought process.

All the details with regards to the journal was work in progress and just an initial idea. I knew I will be changing things and none of this is set in stone. But I felt it’s important to write down my initial thoughts to help me prepare and give me a starting point.

Proposal 2

As I have mentioned before, this idea / proposal was more of a desperate idea, just to be able to propose something else. I really had my heart and mind set on the first proposal.

Proposal 1 is more challenging. I could really push myself with regards to the content and give way to my personal style to further develop. I also wanted to do that project, not only because I felt it is more in demand and it is somewhat unique in it’s nature I also wanted to create it for selfish reasons, as I would love to have a tailored agenda with all the topics to help me maintain a routine and healthy lifestyle tailored to my needs.


This was the proposal deck I submitted in preparation for our second tutorial session. I felt quite good about it. I think I made valid points that anyone can relate to and agree with as well as an interesting concept. I was pleased with the illustrations I produced for information purposes.

I aimed to keep this deck simple and clean.

As I mentioned before, in terms of aesthetics, shapes and use of colour and colour psychology I wanted to carry on what I have done and started with the HMV project.

This information with regards to the agenda/journal is a digital and more simple and tidied up version created from my notes.

Initial moodboard

I researched templates, planners, goal setter and journals. Their benefits are quite self explanatory but I wanted to see others’ views on it as well as potentially finding layouts and templates to gain inspiration for layout and content.

I came across this link which I found extremely useful. It explains the benefits and most effective methods of writing a journal, tracking and achieving goals. There were some very good layouts within as well and ideas that I could use. Obviously my journal was going to be different as it would contain different things – such as meal planner and shopping list’ but in terms of how to layout a template for goals, weekly tracker, notes, etc. this online link was an amazing find.

In search for reasons, benefits and layout for the meal planner and shopping list within the journal I came across ‘The Organised Housewife’ – the name of the website speaks for itself. I found an article – where meal planners and shopping lists could also be purchased – with some information and visual references that I heavily used and was inspired by to begin with.

It is evident that I was more excited about the first proposal / project idea. I produced a lot more detailed proposal and information with regards to the work than I did for the animation idea. Even though the second proposal was more of a ‘back up plan’ I still wanted to link it to the overarching theme of the first proposal and if I was to do this project make something of it that challenges me, I would gain new skills from it, I would like to do and interest me.

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Is an absolutely amazing youtube channel. They do illustrated / animation info graphics videos. I love the style of their animations but also the information they provide. Every video discusses a different topic and explains complex ideologies in a very simple way through clear verbal and visual communication.

The Egg – A Short Story

This was the first ever video I have seen by Kurzgesagt. A very interesting theoretical idea about reincarnation. My friend showed me this video and I fell in love with the animation and the extremely interesting visual and verbal content. The colour scheme they used set a serious tone as it is a serious topic, but also had a lot of colours contrasting the darker shades that elevated the mood to a very pleasant, calming and pleasant experience.

They also created a video on ‘how to animate in their style’. I thought if I had to do anything else other than the journal / agenda then I could still research the same topic with regards to mental health, physical health, balanced life, routine and the current situation, however within this proposal the information would be communicated through moving image.

If I was to do this I would have to increase my skills and essentially learn again how to use after effects as well as challenge my illustration skills (by hand and Illustrator). I would also have to be able to gather a lot of research and information, filter that and write a script that translates a complex and thorough research into something that can easily be understood and registered.

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