The Proposal deck got good feedback. Shernette emailed me her feedback and said

You have delivered a really interesting deck, I think your concept to create a journal and digital app could be a possible direction.
I also like the idea of delivering the topic of isolation and mental health as an infographic, but I question the method of delivering the information to make it effective.(This would be in the form of a design for change concept).

I was so happy to hear that’s she also thought the first proposal (journal/agenda) is stronger. Prior to the online tutorial I came up with a research plan in support of the project. I also analysed the links Shernette sent me, which I found incredibly helpful and useful.

NOTE: I decided to include images of my notebook – hope and believe my writing is legible enough – because I wanted to show a more personal side to the project and my thinking process. I do work and edit using my MacBook, however I am quite ‘old school’ at times and I like to start with physically written notes. Helps me clear my head and start the process so when it comes to digitalising I actually know what I am doing. Essentially this notebook was my best friend over the duration of this project and served as my FMP journal / blog.

Prior to the online session I have looked at the links and references Shernette sent me. I listed and named the ones I found the most useful and took elements from it and been inspired by them.

D&AD New Blood Entry — Change For Trans

This link / reference shernette sent me helped me a great deal to come up with a research plan and mission statement as well as how I can represent a ‘movement for change’ effectively.

notes and thinking process – what I gathered from this article in relation to my project.

Creative projects and solutions for mental health

This page showed a series of effective and successful university student led and designed projects.

I was highly inspired by Sara Lopez’s Mindnosis toolkit. Though aesthetically it is a lot more simple than what I was aiming for, the tone of voice is very calm, perfectly communicating the message and aim of the project. I like the idea of having multiple different pages and little booklets as part of the package.

This gave me the idea to produce separate templates and stationery products as part of my project as well as a digital version / app.

Rosa Kimosa’s online platform, Aware Online

Another project that highly inspired me and gave me a very good idea about the app and digital platform and added to my research plan. Kimosa designed an online platform for a mental health forum. At this point I realised the app shouldn’t just be a digital (exact) version of the stationery. At this rathe what’s the point in making / selling / buying the stationery when everything is online. So I reconsidered the app and came up with options as of what to include. This way the stationery will be promoted and part of the bigger theme, the app which will have separate features but matching the concept, tone of voice and message of the stationery which is promoting mental and physical wellbeing. I felt I need to conduct an analysis on the level of demand. So I created a survey, originally in my notebook, which I put on survey monkey later.

“I was going through a lot of emotions and couldn’t find a space online to express myself… So I thought, why not create one?”

part of the Aware online project – the quote gave me the idea of my project also including quotes from ‘real life people with real experiences’ and famous quotes that motivate

D&AD Exercise: how to design for behaviour change

Shernette also sent me this link to this ‘exercise’ by D&AD. It was extremely useful as my project essentially is for behaviour change in terms of a balanced life, consistent routine, structure, mental and physical health. I filled out the step by step exercise in my notebook.

notes for D&AD exercise

After this in order to organise the information I gathered from these links (and a few more but these are the ones worth mentioning as they had a huge impact) and aim of my project I written down my thoughts with regards to the main purpose and aim of my project.

the aspects and purpose of my project

Then I came up with a research plan to gather consumer and customer demands as well as statistics and important information, advice and guidance. What is recommended for people with mental issues, what is already out there and wether there are any gaps in the market that need to be filled.

During the online session Shernette pointed out that the journal sounds good but it feels like there should be more to it. She asked me how I am planning to ‘advertise and sell my idea’.
I mentioned potential partnership with private and NHS professionals and university councils where the journal would be recommended and advertised as well as creating social media campaign for it. (as you can see at the bottom of my notes)

And also created the first version of the series of questions that I wanted to include in my survey.

The Session

At the session I spoke about the new direction, the refined and more detailed concept and final product of the project, I also presented my research plan. All in all I got very positive feedback. Shernette said my project has taken a good direction and seems like I have everything under control.

Shernette also said I should write a mission statement in support of the project and addition to my proposal. I put it down as the next step within my project to write a mission statement as well as create and publish a survey to support my project and its products . I was slightly nervous about this, I don’t think I am very good at writing proposals and mission statements. But I had to try and I wanted to do well.

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