Initially I was focusing on the page layout. I wasn’t considering binding at this point, just how the template, background, colours and patterns should look on each page.

These are my initial ideas and first experiment for the stationery.

First version

This deck was heavily lacking in content. It just wasn’t enough work. I sent this to Shernette a few days before the online tutorial. I was glad I managed to produce something…

I was looking at the previously named meal planner and shopping list template I have found throughout my research. It felt desperate. I knew it was desperate. I basically copied the idea of the white boxes, used the illustrations from the previous deck and inspiration from the HMV project I combined the two to make the background and placed the white boxed on top. It didn’t feel or look terrible, I actually quite liked the outcome and was hoping it was all on a good way. But nothing is ever that simple is it? Originally I wasn’t going for that look, but the aesthetics – especially the guidance sheet took a very pop arty route. I knew it needed to be changed…but at the same time I hope it didn’t.

Ironically I was experiencing quite intense anxiety and depression and I went from filing amazing and motivated and having everything under control to being quite unproductive and struggling to make myself to get out of bed.

I had no particular reason for that. I didn’t feel depressed or anxious. I just felt…well, ‘meh’.

I was sleepy all the time, losing interest in everything I normally enjoy and love to do, my body felt heavy and I could hardly make myself to do anything. It was only due to these symptoms I knew I entered a depressive phase, as I didn’t feel or had any reasons to be like that. The natural cycle of my mind and I came to the conclusion, the only logical reason…lockdown. How ironic.

It goes without saying the only thing that can be done in this situation is to ‘kick myself in the butt and out of being a slug’. I realised, accepted and begin to force myself out of this misery.

I sent a follow up email to Shernette the next day, explaining briefly what I was experiencing and apologising for sending such a ‘lacking’ deck originally. I reassured that I will send an updated version later that day (which I did) mainly focusing on the stationery as I am still trying to gather my thoughts and ideas and development for the app so getting the stationery out of the way.

Shernette was very supportive which was reassuring.

These are some screenshots I have taken whilst developing the ‘updated’ deck – grid system I worked with and created and initial ideas.

I created a folder on Pinterest where I saved illustrations, images, designs that I found interesting and been inspired by. (Pinterest Moodboard)

These are some of the initial / first references, illustrations and images I looked at

-as well as the work I have produced for HMV.


I kept the guidance part as it was in the first deck but added a cover mage. Essentially it was just a quickly created version, basically the background of the guidance just slightly modified.

This cover was a second version / option. I based this colour on the second deck I have sent with the mission statement. I felt green being a colour of ‘perfect balance’ in psychological means representing health and nature would be a good match for a meal planner/shopping list and anything food related.

All in all I liked the colours. Happy and bright, just what I was aiming for. The illustrations and the kind of ‘overuse’ and ‘misuse’ of pattern added a bit of a childish look to it. Though my target audience is young adults, the overall feel just seemed more teen or kid targeted.

However I must say I really really liked the last page (pink and blue) of the procrastination diary. In terms of the textboxes and type it wasn’t strong or working too well, however I really liked the colours and the overall fell of that particular page.

Perhaps it would make a great pop art painting on a 5m wide and 3mhigh wall, but for a stationery product…a little too much.


Shernette pointed out that the white text boxes make it seem like someone created this template in Microsoft word and that the background gets lost. I should reconsider the relationship between type, colour and pattern in a way that they link and compliment each other instead of decreasing each others’ value. She also pointed out the over all feel just seems too ‘commercial.

At fist I felt a little defensive about the ‘commercial’ style. However, the more I looked at the design, colours and layout, the more I realised she was absolutely right. I was a little intimidated, just wasn’t sure how to make this work or what references to look at.

Shernette mentioned to look at GF Smith and Fedrigoni. I browsed through their web content but it wasn’t too much help with regards to my design’s layout.

There was nothing else to do. Dive right into it and start fiddling around. Experiment and have fun with it. See where that takes me.

I haven’t done many hand drawn sketches with regards to structure. I have written down a few notes and tried to plan structure. I have drawn a few sketches and that was actually enough for me to realise – once I digitalised – that it is too busy. The colours need to be reconsidered and the layout needs to be simplified. Strip the busy creation back like I normally do.

Reconsider paper size and grid style.

Based on this thought process I wanted to try an abstract layout using mathematical signs to express the process on how to recognise procrastination, come to a conclusion, analyse and based on all that come up with a solution.
(What I am procrastinating on + How I am procrastinating + Why I am procrastinating = (analyse) = Solution)

These are the sketches I quickly created. They aren’t the best. But for a starting point they seemed like a good experiment.

Once I began the digital process I quickly realised this is not working. I imagined it laying out and working out a lot differently in my head, and it definitely worked out better with text and shape positioning in the sketches.

Some of the digital experiments:

Like I said, the digital looked a lot different to what I imagined, however the arrow pointing down, the one that overlaps with some of the lines for text gave me an idea. From this point onwards I decided to simplify.

I was a lot happier with this. I then decided to further simplify and add a bit more white ‘space’ to the pages so its easier on the eyes and in a way gives space for the colours, shapes and text to breathe. I was still due to design the quote at this point, but I was happy with the progress.

Meal Planner and Shopping list experiments

I haven’t created any sketches but I started by removing all the white textbooks. I felt in order to simplify the layout of these two I had to remove some ‘categories’. So I reached for my notebook once again to clear my head and try cut down the amount of shopping item groups.

I came remembered one of the main features and aim of my project and final product; to give people the option of creating their individual routine that suits them. I realised there is simply no point in adding all these categories, what if someone doesn’t eat meat or lactose intolerant? surely it’s just wasted space to add those in order to keep the product inclusive, without any harmful or disrespectful implications. So no title. I was glad to realise that as this allowed my to majorly simplify the layout.

Now it was time to simplify the background and create a connection / link between colour, pattern type and overall message / tone of voice.

I began to strip back the idea, look at more references and create.

This image triggered the simple idea of circles along the meal planner

And ended up with this simple, fun, vibrant and playful yet neat and elegant layout. I was pleased. Now it was time to repeat the process with the shopping list.

As I was planning for the two layouts to be binded/sold together I wanted to match the pages in some ways but also make them slightly different

Why circles for the meal planner?
I tried to represent wholesomeness, togetherness, health and well being. A full belly feeling with full circles.

Why zig-zag edges instead of round shapes for shopping list?
I was aiming to represent the journey and route of going out shopping, getting from one point to the other but moving forward and making the experience fun.

Second version

Meal planner and shopping list

guidance sheet – instead of just using Lorem Ipsum I actually researched and written the information as well as reconsider layout and design

Once I created these updated versions I was a lot happier and pleased.

Procrastination Diary

Ansel’s feedback was especially positive with regards to this layout. He said it was airy and very pleasant to look at. Overall all the stationery had really good colour combinations.

Minor changes Ansel suggested. He pointed out that type should be aligned on the left side and in line as well as having speech bubbles at the right bottom corner of the text as well as the top.

The improved deck / stationery

This is the stationery part of the third version of my deck. This is the one that received the best and most positive feedback so far, both from Shernette and Ansel.

I was still adding and making changes to these designs and layouts. I also added binding experiments of a flat plan.


The overall type and layout is much stronger. I think you’ve made great progress.

It goes without saying that I was very happy and pleased.

I further edited the layouts and overall look. Just minor Changes with regards to the margins and colour scheme.

I asked a few friends what they thought and one of them pointed out that where the colours are quite dark, the white lines for text show nicely, but people are likely to use a blue or black pen, which would disappear on a dark background making it less legible and visible. So I fiddled around with the colours a little more.

I also signed up for a 1-2-1 tutorial with Ansel. He gave very good and positive feedback on a personal and project related level. He pointed out that the numbers and lines should be brought closer to the middle to avoid ‘bleed’. So I adjusted my margins and made minor arrangement changes to avoid ‘bleed’.

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