Based on all the feedback I have received I made the final minor adjustments.

I have also changed the font (I explore and explain the choice of font and type in the FMP – TYPE post) and made minor colour adjustments.

I also reconsidered in more detail the print and binding format. (explore and explain this in more detail in the FMP – Binding post)

The final version


Close ups of some of the pages

Cover and information sheet

In terms of the information sheet I believe I was able to create a simple and elegant, yet exciting design with complementary yet harmonic colours.
The choice of font (Proxima Nova) is legible, structured yet ‘friendly’.

I don’t have any experiments for the cover as it has been a ‘last minute’ addition. However I feel I didn’t have to  experiment much. In order to remain ‘true’ to the message and aesthetics of the stationery I decided to take the background  of a previously created template and use that as the cover.

The choice of colour is based on psychology. Yellow is associated with happiness and green is considered to be the ‘perfect balance’ in terms of psychology.For a meal planner it felt like an appropriate colour combination. Food is fuel and having a meal,  especially a good one makes  everyone happy. Also green is  associated with ‘health’ and healthy foods make not only your body but your mind happy as well.

Binding and outer package

As I previously mentioned all of the stationery products will be binded the same way and attached to an ‘envelope’ like folding cover.
Each stationery however will have an individual cover colour scheme and design.
The top flat plan shows the inside of the cover/package and the info sheet and planner attached. The bottom flat plan shows what the cover/package would look like on the outside.


Shopping List

Cover and information sheet

The information sheet for the shopping list is essentially the same as the meal planner. This is because the two printed templates were meant to be a pair and go hand in hand. Seen as the two relate to one another, no matter what, once I decided to create separate binding and cover for them I didn’t find it necessary to create a new information sheet, especially if the two can be bought/sold as a pair or in a ‘bundle’.
For the cover I repeated the same method as I did with the meal planner. This time I changed the colours, making yellow as the primary and orange the secondary colour.
The different use of colour conveys a slightly different psychological and visual design message. As I mentioned yellow generally triggers happiness, making the shopping experience more pleasant for the conscious and subconscious. This paired with shades of orange combines the happy effect and fast paced excitement of red. Initiating the shopping and writing a shopping list should be an enjoyable process.

Binding and outer package


Procrastination Diary

Cover and information sheet

 haven’t changed the information sheet, but I researched and added the actual information. I also created a very simple and  minimal cover that matched the colour scheme and the background of the information sheet.

Binding and outer package

Once again I used the patterns that are structured in the layout of the diary.  I decided to go with blue and pink colour scheme as this colour combination has a very shooting and calming effect. Gentle and promising due to the nature of pink and mentally calming due to the blue. This colour combination visually communicates a message that  provides a gentle and playful solution to procrastination with the promise of overcoming problems calmly and surely.


To Do list

Though I haven’t included the to do list in my final deck and process deck I created it. This was a very last minute design. It is simple and colourful. I based the shapes and colours on the other stationery and I don’t have any experiments for this. I just created the final as it was.

I haven’t included this in my deck as I felt it doesn’t have enough development and I already had a lot of work and a lot of pages within my deck. I didn’t want to add something that didn’t receive feedback and would potentially bring down the overall value of my work.

I haven’t created cover, information sheet, binding and outer package design for this stationery.

I felt it’s important to mention this here in my blog and feature it here.

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